If you stand in need of prayer, please send it along with who the prayer need is for and the details of the need. If the need is unspoken, please say so in the e-mail. Let your needs be known and let us pray for you and your family.
At Grace Family Church Assembly of God, we have instituted a Prayer Chain. This how it works. The person in need of prayer or requesting prayer for someone else, will call the first person on the Prayer Chain. Then they will pray together about the situation. Then the first person on the Prayer Chain will call the second person on the Prayer Chain and then they will pray together. Then the second person will call the third and do the same and so on down the Prayer Chain.
You can also contact the General Council of the Assemblies of God National Prayer Center. You can find them on the Web at http://www.prayer.ag.org/ or call them now by dialing 1-800-4-PRAYER.