Generally in each church there are those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who don't know what's happening. We are in need of people who are willing to make themselves available and open to serving Jesus Christ in the church.
Our Mission Statement
"We exist to see our neighborhood transformed into a vibrant community through the love and power of Jesus Christ."
We believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Please take time to learn more about these concepts. We believe that if you have been saved, you have been given a gift that you can use for the glory of God.
We have a pamphlet available, free of charge that explains the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, to help you understand these concepts better. Visit us this Sunday at 10:00 AM and ask for the pamphlet entitled The Gifts & Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
In Romans 12, the Bible speaks of the following gifts:
Exhortation | Giving | Leadership | Mercy | Prophecy | Service | Teaching
In 1st Corinthians 12, the Bible speaks of the following gifts:
Administration | Apostle | Discernment | Faith | Healing | Helps | Knowledge | Miracles | Prophecy | Teaching | Tongues | Interpretation | Wisdom
In Ephesians 4, the Bible speaks of the following gifts:
Apostle | Evangelism | Pastor | Prophecy | Teaching
In various other passages, the Bible speaks of the gifts of Celibacy, Hospitality, Martyrdom, Missionary and Voluntary Poverty. The point is that if you feel you have any of these gifts or various talents that you have been thinking of offering to God for the spread of the Gospel or the glorification of God, please do not keep it to yourself and just be a watcher. You are indeed needed in the church.
Perhaps you would like to help with our Grace Groups, help out in the Sunday School, help out in nursery, join the Real Women, Real Life group, maybe you have a talent for working with youth and want to help out with the New Fire Youth Group, maybe you can sing or play an instrument and would like to join the Worship Team.
There is plenty of room for you in the church and there is a need for your specific talents and gifts. Just ask. Maybe you could just make yourself available to vacuum, mow the lawn, shovel snow, clean up, rake, take care of church repairs and so forth? There is room for you to serve Jesus Christ at Grace Family Church.